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RE: [OT][VERY OT] Woodshavings...

  • Subject: RE: [OT][VERY OT] Woodshavings...
  • From: "Stephen Jones" <ukha@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 23:21:57 +0100

Hmm.... yes. I see your point. I was thinking more along the lines of an
inch at the btm rather than 3/4 filling the tank.

But surely you'd rather whittle away a big lump of wood with a power
tool rather than buying pink bags of Carefresh :)

And if you did get a planer, you could get yourself a fish smoker as
well and use some of those hardwood (oak perhaps) shavings to smoke your
own fish -

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lowe [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]

I keep my gerbils in a "gerbilarium" -

Gerbils are very clean creatures - they are desert dwellers, so their
faeces are dry and odourless, still, for good hygiene, the bedding needs
to be changed every three weeks or so.. I reckon I get through a 1ft x
1ft x 3ft bale of wood shavings in about 3 months - that's a lot of
doors :)


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