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RE: Re: Multiple soundcards in 1 pc, remote controlled ??? Don't know how to start

  • Subject: RE: Re: Multiple soundcards in 1 pc, remote controlled ??? Don't know how to start
  • From: Marcus Warrington <marcus.warrington@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:37:16 -0000



Sorry for the delay in replying.


Yeah, the T-Amps are pretty good and despite their small watt'age they
l go plenty load enough to fill a room with sound. Prices seem to have
n and supply is scarce now... I've seen them on eBay recently for =A349 !!
At that price I'm considering selling mine !


Thanks for the pointers on X10/xLobby.. I'll take a look at the forum post
when I get a chance.


> I use a fairly heavily configured version of the basic 'Simplicity'
> skin. I liked it as its straightforward well, er, simple!


I'm currently using a "tweaked" Colby skin...=20





From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of r=
Sent: 07 December 2006 20:47
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: Multiple soundcards in 1 pc, remote controlled ???
n't know how to start


--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>
, Marcus Wa=
<marcus.warrington@...> wrote:
> > big Russound 12 channel poweramp
> Big guns.. :-)

Yeup - bit of a bargain on ebay :-))

> I'm just using a Sonic Impact T-AMP for each zone... except now I want
> another 5 they seem to be like hens teeth !

Funnily enough, had I 'discovered those earlier, I would have probably
tried that route too. From what I've read they might be ideal.=20

> > xLobby as the control interface to Winamp with either on a
> > monitor interface (in Kitchen) or on ppc devices connected
> Very similar setup. The touchscreen is mounted in the wall in our
> room next to the kitchen doorway.
> I also use a PPC but I find that if it looses signal then it hangs..
> that maybe the DellAxim rather than xLobby.

The Axims do seem to do that (I've got these too) but I leave in the
cradle powered on and they rarely drop these days.=20

> > I've also found a pretty effective way to properly sync up the 3
> ...go one then... whats the secret ?

See this general thread on the xL forums. My recent post at the
bottom of the page. We spent quite a bit of time discussing!=20
=3Dasc&start=3D90 <

> > xL will also link into xAP and I use this to pipe in info such as
> > temperature, caller id for display on the screens.
> This is my current "projects"... I know it can do it but
finding the
> correct up to date info on the xLobby forums is a nightmare.
> Any chance of a quick "how to" ?=20
> i.e. what plugins , which xAp hub (service) you use etc.

I use the standard xAP hub (service version) as the base.
xAP3 plugin in xL (see the plugins thread on xL forums)
edward pearsons (sp?) quasar xAP plugin (it has the advantage of
sending one xAP message per temp reading and is rock solid). Plus, of
course, the quasar interface board for dallas one-wire sensors.

"Reasonably straightforward"!!! Get the xAP temp messages on the
system, go into xL F2 plugins tab and configure xap3 plugin. There is
quite a lot of advice on the xap3 thread on how to do this but it may
take you a couple of goes. Once you have the message in xL you cam
access via xL variables the text and display this on the screens etc.=20

Happy to take queries here or on xL forum (though I don't tend to look
there on a regular basis). (Though I still have one prob to sort out
in getting xAP messages to trigger events in xL - just cant get this
to work).=20

> What skin are you using?

I use a fairly heavily configured version of the basic 'Simplicity'
skin. I liked it as its straightforward well, er, simple!

> I did have xLobby controlling the lighting via X10 at one stage, but
> after a hard disc crash I have not so far managed to
"rediscover" the
> secret of getting it to work. Even when I did get it to work it wasn't
> very elegant since it involved writing a specific event for each light
> (X10 address) I wanted to turn on and off.

Yes, I believe it's a bit clunky / basic in the straight x10
interface. My approach was going to be to send an xAP message out to
the Comfort xAP interface to run a Comfort response. (I have many
responses in Comfort set up to do scenes and use this for x10 scene
control. ) So a single 'do response 123' message could set 5 banks of
lights in the lounge to the preset scene settings. I'm pretty sure
this will work fine but I just dont have a spare UCM interface to play

> Cheers,
> Marcus


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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