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RE: Sonos speaker wiring


I use these for splitting my ZP100's
I've got 4 ZPs at the moment (about to become 6 later this month when I go
to the US), covering 11 pairs of speakers.  All my ZPs are in Node zero, so
it was easy for me to do, and the switching is done in Node zero, but I do
have local volume switches in a couple of the rooms (the wet rooms -

The blurb for the speaker switches indicates they're exactly for the
you describe, i.e. as far as the ZP is concerned, it still sees the same
impedance.  I've been using this set-up for over a year now with no issues,
and no noticeable degradation of SQ, except, of course, the volume of each
pair of speakers reduces each time you split the signal.


-----Original Message-----
From: Malcolm Surgenor [mailto:malcolm@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 February 2007 21:17
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Sonos speaker wiring

I'd like to extend my Sonos system by running another set of speakers off
one of the ZP100s.  Sonos support site says it can be done; i.e.

The Sonos ZonePlayer can support any speaker impedance between 4 and 16
so it is possible to wire two 8 Ohm speakers in parallel (resulting in a
total impedance of 4 Ohm's). Sonos does not recommend wiring speakers in
series as it will result in poor sound quality. DO NOT attempt to wire 4
speakers in parallel to the ZonePlayer ======================= However I
have two problems with this.  The existing ceiling speakers (KEF
Ci100QR) are 4ohm and I was contemplating putting the same speakers in the
room next door until I read the support comments.  Is there anything that
can be done to sort the impedance?
Secondly I want to switch the speakers if possible - I was looking for a
wall switch to do this but cannot find one. Any pointers? Also ideally I'd
like to have the switch do room A or room B or rooms A and B.  At a push I
may accept a wall switch that just does room A or room B (which may solve
impedance problem?).

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