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Re: Nokia N95 or.....

'agree with a lot of that ... in our case, our 'E61 is good, but=20=20
'must say I'm surprised they let it out as it is ... Symbian 60 is=20=20
like an early beta of an idea ... that said, we make it work, and are=20=20
glad of it, and it's better than what we had before ...


On 25 May 2007, at 14:38, Jim wrote:

> Just an observation...
> If I bought an item that had major features not working, battery=20=20
> life below
> the specification and crashed (every crash is "major", as it
> the unit
> working to specification), I'd be screaming trades description
> demanding
> my money back. Did this with the first PDA I got (from Dell, a
> of cr*p),
> took them about a month to accept they had sold rubbish and refund.
> Why do we put up with buying products which are so obviously=20=20
> faulty, then
> accept days/weeks/months of feature non-use whilst waiting for=20=20
> software
> updates to fix problems that should have been sorted during product
> development?
> There seems to be an acceptance with IT products that things
> go wrong.
> OK, bugs are a by-product of software development (I should
> I'm a
> systems developer by profession!) but most should be ironed
> product
> testing. We seem to be all too ready to accept bigger problems
> "normal"
> when they shouldn't exist.
> I would never buy a Smartphone (Symbian or Windows) for the very=20=20
> reasons
> outlined by Mark - the risk of the thing crashing, which is
> to happen
> without me knowing and not being able to receive calls. I can
> why people
> would want an all-in-one unit, pity they don't live up to the hype!
> </rant>
> I'll stick to my trusty 6310i and Bluetooth-connected PDA!
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On=20=20
> Behalf Of
> Maccy
> Sent: 25 May 2007 13:41
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Nokia N95 or.....
> On Fri, 25 May 2007, Mark Golledge wrote:
>> Has anyone tried the N95? I see are doing a 18 month
>> contract (850 minutes to any network any time and 300 texts) for
>> =A320.00 per month and free phone -
> Yes, got mine a couple of weeks ago from O2 (Online) upgrades.
> Haven't got the GPS to work at all yet, it never picks up a signal.
> Waiting for O2 to provide Nokia with their firmware update so I
> update
> via the Nokia Software Updater (apparently this should fix it).=20=20
> There is the
> option of changing the product code and debranding but I don't want to
> invalidate the warranty. The O2 sales package comes with a 1GB=20=20
> MicroSD card
> with UK maps preloaded.
> VOIP works well. I think Vodafone and Orange remove it from
> firmware
> though. Battery life is pretty poor by all accounts, however
> batteries
> are pretty cheap. Made sure I got extra chargers for the car and=20=20
> work, too
> :)
> I've had one or two crashes but nothing major.
> Other than that, I really like it.
> Mark

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