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Re: Re: Remember that amazing multi-touch display?

Spoken like Bill's best mate, lol!  Are you Paul Allen in disguise ;-)

Seriously, if the surface is robust enough (presumably it is a
reasonably thick sheet of glass), then there's no reason why it
shouldn't make the ultimate coffee table, and a seriously cool interface
to an HA system (a bit naff if it BSOD's though!)


Ian Lowe wrote:

> --- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>,
> Hunter <cjhunter@...> wrote:
> > hmmm ...
> >
> > I suspect the MS announcement is a diversionary tactic ...
> >
> > Chris
> Spoken like a true Mac phile. Seriously, Microsoft could be giving
> away free tenners and you guys would find a fault...
> Rather than seeing it as a dig at Apple's joke phone, why not put the
> Microsoft loathing to one side and see this for what it is - a truly
> awesome bit of kit that has thousands of potential uses, and could
> form an absolutely incredible interface for a home media centre.
> Remember that this multitouch interface was doing the rounds on
> youtube as a research demonstration less than 18 months ago - this is
> a really fast time to market.
> _

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